English 9, 10, 11, 12

English 9

English 9 includes a study and review of the parts of speech, phrases, clauses, and sentence structure. A study

of Greek and Roman mythology provides a basis for understanding literary allusions and prepares students
to read classical literature. Units in literature will cover the short story, Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and
Charles Dicken's A Tale of Two Cities. In addition, a prose reading, a poetry reading, a memorized
reciation, and an original speech may be included in the curriculum. Students will also be exposed to
technology and computer applications in the Writing Lab throughout the school year.

English 10

This course exposes the student to literature from the major literary genres with particular emphasis on the

short story, Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, and Homer's Iliad. It will include a thorough review and
presentation of English grammer and usage and will include vocabulary work. Students will be required
to wite a variety of paragraph types, compostions, and a career paper.

English 11

This course is an examination of representative figures, movements, methods, modes, topics, and influences

in American Literature from Colonial times to the present. Another aim of the course is to train the student
to write clearly and effectively with themes on topics that arise from class discussions and course readigns.
A review of grammer and usage is stressed. The student is expected to maintain a satisfactory standard of
written and spoken expression.

English 12

English 12 is designed for the college-bound senior. The course includes a chronological survey of English

literature from the fifth through the thwentieth century. Various literary types or genres are studied, and
attention is given to the growth and development of the language. Outside readigns, projects, and a research
paper are also required. Communication skills are reviewed with emphasis on written and oral composition
and vocabulary development. Enrollment should be based on successful completion of academic English
grades 9 through 11.